Quotation Explorer - 'Donna Goddard'

Sometimes, to protect a secret we will say it so openly that most will not suspect the truth of what we are saying. - Donna Goddard
Do we find ourself or does our self get demolished? - Donna Goddard
Faith changes us - faith in something intrinsically good, something other than ourselves, something bigger than ourselves. - Donna Goddard
The desire for connection with the Divine and our formless inner self is at the foundation of all desire for human connection. - Donna Goddard
If love isn't there, nothing will grow. If it is, there is always hope and it will win in the end. Love is vital and sacrosanct. - Donna Goddard
Being liked or not, having company or not, being understood or not, being acknowledged or not are not issues of concern on the spiritual path. - Donna Goddard
We are spiritual beings - indestructible, immaterial and safe. - Donna Goddard
Every wonderful quality "in" someone is waiting to be recognized in all of life's great symphony. - Donna Goddard
Whenever possible, choose peace. - Donna Goddard
To be creative, first we must be generous. Then we must have a quiet, indomitable belief in our own worth. - Donna Goddard
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